Open science (OS) has proven to provide several benefits to scientific research and collaboration. The EU-funded GraspOS project will further extend the reach and influence of OS. Specifically, it will develop a data infrastructure that will help policy reforms and bring about the adoption of a responsible research assessment system that embeds OS practices. Additionally, the project will create the necessary tools to expand the reach of the European Open Science Cloud ecosystem and improve monitoring services. These services will also allow for policy-level rewards that encourage OS practices and mindsets.

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ATHENA Research Center
The mission of Athena RC is to conduct outstanding research in Informatics and Computational Sciences, tackling...
In the field of Computer Science, conference and workshop papers serve as important contributions, carrying substantial weight in research assessment processes, compared to... -
This dataset contains citation-based impact indicators (a.k.a, "measures") for ~168.8M distinct PIDs (persistent identifiers) that correspond to research products (scientific...