This dataset contains citation-based impact indicators (a.k.a, "measures") for ~168.8M distinct PIDs (persistent identifiers) that correspond to research products (scientific publications, datasets, etc). In particular, for each PID, we have calculated the following indicators (organized in categories based on the semantics of the impact aspect that they better capture):

Influence indicators

Indicators of the "total" impact of each research product; how established it is in general.

  • Citation Count: The total number of citations of the product, the most well-known influence indicator.

  • PageRank score: An influence indicator based on the PageRank, a popular network analysis method. PageRank estimates the influence of each product based on its centrality in the whole citation network. It alleviates some issues of the Citation Count indicator (e.g., two products with the same number of citations can have significantly different PageRank scores if the aggregated influence of the products citing them is very different - the product receiving citations from more influential products will get a larger score).

Popularity indicators

Indicators of the "current" impact of each research product; how popular the product is currently.

  • RAM score: A popularity indicator based on the RAM [2] method. It is essentially a Citation Count where recent citations are considered as more important. This type of "time awareness" alleviates problems of methods like PageRank, which are biased against recently published products (new products need time to receive a number of citations that can be indicative for their impact).

  • AttRank score: A popularity indicator based on the AttRank [3] method. AttRank alleviates PageRank's bias against recently published products by incorporating an attention-based mechanism, akin to a time-restricted version of preferential attachment, to explicitly capture a researcher's preference to examine products which received a lot of attention recently.

Impulse indicators

Indicators of the initial momentum that the research product received right after its publication.

  • Incubation Citation Count (3-year CC): This impulse indicator is a time-restricted version of the Citation Count, where the time window length is fixed for all products and the time window depends on the publication date of the product, i.e., only citations 3 years after each product's publication are counted.

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Version 12
Authors Vergoulis T., Kanellos I., Atzori C., Mannocci A., Chatzopoulos S., La Bruzzo S., Manola N., Manghi P.
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